Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution
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CafeNode Struct Reference

#include <family.h>

Data Fields

PhylogenyNode super
double ** k_likelihoods
double * likelihoods
int * viterbi
int familysize
struct probabilities birth_death_probabilities
struct square_matrixbirthdeath_matrix
pArrayList k_bd
pErrorStruct errormodel

Detailed Description

Struct that holds information about a node in a CafeTree. It extends the PhylogenyNode structure which in turn extends the TreeNode structure.

Field Documentation

struct probabilities CafeNode::birth_death_probabilities
struct square_matrix* CafeNode::birthdeath_matrix

Matrix of precalculated values, indexed by the root family size and the family size

pErrorStruct CafeNode::errormodel
int CafeNode::familysize

Value representing the size of a single gene family for the species or node Temporary value since CAFE holds in memory counts for many gene families for each node

pArrayList CafeNode::k_bd
double** CafeNode::k_likelihoods
double* CafeNode::likelihoods
PhylogenyNode CafeNode::super
int* CafeNode::viterbi

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: