Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution
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Commands that are available in CAFE


int cafe_cmd_echo (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Echoes test to the log file. More...
int cafe_cmd_date (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Date: Writes the current date and time to log file More...
int cafe_cmd_exit (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Exit: Close files, release memory and exit application More...
int cafe_cmd_log (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Log: Sets file to which data is logged More...
int cafe_cmd_version (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Version: Prints CAFE version and date of build More...
int cafe_cmd_source (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Source: Executes a series of commands from a CAFE command file More...
int cafe_cmd_list (Globals &, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 List: List all commands available in CAFE More...
int cafe_cmd_generate_random_family (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 generate_random_family: Generates random families More...
int cafe_cmd_load (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Load: Loads families from a family file with a defined format More...
int cafe_cmd_report (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Report: Generates reports in various formats of the calculations completed More...
int cafe_cmd_tree (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 : The tree to perform calculations on. Must be in Newick format. More...
int cafe_cmd_pvalue (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 PValue: Calculates pvalues More...
int cafe_cmd_errormodel (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 errormodel: allows the user to specify an error distribution. More...
int cafe_cmd_rootdist (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Specify root family size distribution for simulation. More...
int cafe_cmd_seed (Globals &globals, std::vector< std::string > tokens)
 Set the random seed for reproducible results. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

int cafe_cmd_date ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Date: Writes the current date and time to log file

int cafe_cmd_echo ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Echoes test to the log file.


int cafe_cmd_errormodel ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

errormodel: allows the user to specify an error distribution.

int cafe_cmd_exit ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Exit: Close files, release memory and exit application

int cafe_cmd_generate_random_family ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

generate_random_family: Generates random families

int cafe_cmd_list ( Globals ,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

List: List all commands available in CAFE

int cafe_cmd_load ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Load: Loads families from a family file with a defined format

Takes six arguments: -t, -r, -p, -l, -i, and -filter

-filter ensures that there is at least one copy at the root (using parsimony) for each family.

int cafe_cmd_log ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Log: Sets file to which data is logged

With no arguments, writes the current log file to stdout

with the argument "stdout" the current log file is closed and log data goes to stdout

int cafe_cmd_pvalue ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

PValue: Calculates pvalues

int cafe_cmd_report ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Report: Generates reports in various formats of the calculations completed

int cafe_cmd_rootdist ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Specify root family size distribution for simulation.

Arguments: -i input file.

int cafe_cmd_seed ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Set the random seed for reproducible results.

int cafe_cmd_source ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Source: Executes a series of commands from a CAFE command file

int cafe_cmd_tree ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

: The tree to perform calculations on. Must be in Newick format.

int cafe_cmd_version ( Globals globals,
std::vector< std::string >  tokens 

Version: Prints CAFE version and date of build